When I was young I had thick black hair and deep brown eyes. That didn't last long. As I aged the hair receded to non-existence and my eyes lightened to hazel and now sometimes appear green. I remember my mother when in her forties, had hazel eyes and by the time she passed away they were ice blue. I told Steve how my eyes were changing color and he confessed that the same was happening to him. Through casual conversations with people in the area I found the same phenomenon was occurring with them too. After some research and meeting with my doctor, I was informed that it's typically an indication of ingestion of heavy metals. Waterbury was the center for brass industry in the country for a century. Brass is made with copper, a heavy metal. I was also informed natural copper occurs in the ground water in Connecticut, adding to our intake.
My father worked in a tool factory for over 40 years. When he came home he'd change clothes and sometimes his white socks would be stained blue with his sweat. He had a very distinctive smell to him. It wasn't unpleasant. I would describe it as metallic. Once, traveling through the desert of Arizona in the middle of night, the same smell wafted in the car. It was so strong I could taste it on the tip of my tongue. It intensified as we drove towards a huge array of lights and dissipated as we drove past. The following day I asked my friends in Phoenix what we drove by. It was a copper smelting plant.
What does it mean? I don't know. I now take supplements in an attempt to leech out the metals in my body. Did I go bald by genetic engineering or by fallout of heavy metals, such as the area around Holy Land USA on Abrigador Hill, where all the flora died or became stunted because it was downwind from Scovill's mills? Or is it a combination of both? By the time I leave this mortal coil, will I have the bluest eye?
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