Sunday, April 4, 2010

a happy Easter

A few years ago I saw an ad for a gay men's video called "There's a Party in my Pants!" The movie didn't interest me but I liked the title. There's been a party coming in through my window now for two nights. My neighbor's family of 13 adult children, their spouses and offspring are here for the holiday. Our houses are very close together and my neighbor's front door faces the side of my house and my bedroom. For three days they have started yelling at each other around 8 am and finish sometime a little after midnight. The conversations come in spurts. This is the view from my bedroom. My iPhone automatically lowers the decibel level probably to protect one's ear drums. The lens is a wide angle and pushes the image farther away. Turn up the sound on your computer to the loudest it allows. Then imagine the sound amplified three-fold. The image is about a third closer. I'm not sure what's more obscene, the aforementioned film or the sensory overload my neighbors offer. (you may have to drag the cursor on the video over to the right if it doesn't start on its own).

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