Sunday, April 25, 2010

a wet tale

The sound of running water gets Monkey and Sami very excited. They love watching me take a shower. When Steve was alive Sami would let us hold her in our hands while the shower water gently ran over her. She'd place her face in the crook of my arm and hip and coo as she got wet. Monkey would just watch from the shower rod, happily pushing the curtain back and forth with his beak. But after Steve's passing, although they were just as excited to watch, Sami refused to join me. Whenever I'd approach she'd nip my fingers and move away. Until this week. Not only did she readily return to my hand and the water, Monkey joined along flying inside the shower. Unfortunately he didn't know where to alight and eventually landed on the tub bottom. He tried to fly out but was now too wet. With my hand as an aid he made it to the shower rod, soaked, happy and proud of himself for exploring such unknown territory. Their lives are expanding as is mine.

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