Monday, June 21, 2010

The Everglades

Jerry took me to the Everglades. We drove down a highway surrounded by strip malls that eventually gave way to a large canal on one side of the road, obviously draining the water away from its natural direction. Then it was grass all around (save the stupid canal).
We stopped at a place to go for an airboat ride. As we waited our turn to board, we looked down and saw this lovely 6 - 7 feet reptile. His hind legs were as large as my thigh. We were then instructed to go over a metal bridge and board at platform 1. On our way, following a split rail fence we looked down and not 2 feet from us was a 3 footer facing us. No protection, nothing. It didn't feel safe although we made it to the boat in fine condition.

The trip across the sawgrass was superb, hummocks dotting the horizon around us. We drove out about 20 minutes and then returned to watch a man in a cage pet six gators as they approached him with their mouths fully extended and hissing. One had ripped his pants earlier. Afterward we were given the opportunity to hold one. Walking back to the parking lot we detoured and ended up on a narrow path with water on either side of us, with no protection. It felt like we were in a Carl Hiaasen novel.

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