Sunday, June 20, 2010


It's coming...

My mother had SAD. Yes she could be sad and with SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) she was sadder. Autumn was very difficult with her as the sun gave off less of its rays and Vitamin D. She was very sensitive. When we spoke over the phone while I lived in California, her conversations would take a turn around August 15. "It's coming," she'd begin. It meant that she could feel winter's cold light advancing on her soul. When I returned to Connecticut I felt the effects of wan light as well. It wasn't as severe as her's but enough to warrant me purchasing a "happy light" and downing copious amounts of fish oil. No wonder those in the Arctic enjoy raw whale blubber. It is not available in this part of New England and my mother's dread is what I think of when I hear those 2 words.

For me dread occurs with fireworks. I dislike loud noises and when I was young my dog would panic at thunder. My father would ignore my requests for consideration of my dog. He loved explosives and would acquire some form of loud firework during this season and throw them into an empty 55 gallon drum to increase the sound, giggling and laughing with the more brusque and unfeeling male friends around him, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. He wouldn't even wait for me to grab the dog before he'd gleefully toss a cherry bomb into the drum. She, the dog would run away in panic and I would walk or drive around to find her to take her away from the dreaded noise. This is what comes to my mind when I think of this season, and probably will for perpetuity. Thank you Joe, it's coming...

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