Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sherwood Island, Connecticut

There are few images that stay with me in my life. They are frozen pieces of pleasure that give me hope and happiness over the years. One that has remained was a brilliant spring afternoon in San Francisco with Caryl. It was within the first year we moved to California and one of the first months in the city. At the time we were living on Telegraph Hill, poor and happy. We walked to the original Cost Plus and on our way home we sat on a stairway overlooking North Beach. The air was warm and smelled of the ocean. My arm was around Caryl and all I felt was my deep love for her and pure bliss.

In California I rarely missed the East Coast. But one thing I did miss was the way the sky and Sound would meld. The water at times can be mirror-like. This photo was taken late last summer, when I was dating a man with whom I thought would be my next partner. He lives near this beach. Often we walked along the shoreline and while my mind wandered, I'd happily explore possibilities of life. Unfortunately, it was also here, that when I told him I planned to visit California in November, he decided I was a selfish man and we were not meant to remain a couple. He only divulged this to me approximately two months later in a roadside cafe in Woodbury while we finished our meal and whiskey sours. I won't miss Connecticut when I leave. But I will think of moments like this, when the water was calm and I was once again close to near perfection.

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