Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Nauga, its hyde and the river

In the city's museum there is a writing desk made of vulcanized rubber that was displayed at the Crystal Palace in London. As well, and above the desk is a portrait of Charles Goodyear, painted on vulcanized rubber. One of his companies was situated directly south of Waterbury, in Naugatuck, home to Peter Paul (Mounds and Almond Joy), and Uniroyal headquarters. During my childhood we would drive down the highway along the river past the rubber company and marvel over what color the river would be, the dye from manufacturing Keds sneakers, dumped directly into the Naugatuck River and coloring it. At the same location Uniroyal also manufactured its brand of pleather, Naugahyde, in honor of its locale. A substitute for leather, the polyvinyl chloride product is still made but now elsewhere. Polyvinyl chloride has been linked to cancer, partially due to its unstable consistency, continually emitting toxic gasses. Most houses here are covered with polyvinyl siding. My doctor recently told me "the (Naugatuck) Valley" has the highest incident of testicular cancer in the world. Above is their cute branding idea of what a Nauga looks like before its "hyde" is taken. You can still purchase a Nauga for 40 dollars plus shipping.

1 comment:

  1. from a friend: Been here thirty years all I hear about is the rivers. The Still in Danbury had Stetson Hat Co. dumping mercury from curing hides. Lots of Parkinson/ Parkinson's like diseases. While the new Milford area was agricultural it has a high incidence of ALS. I know are getting the siding removed. The beloved doesn't want TC. Killed his dad.
