Monday, March 8, 2010

my neighbor's house

A mansion in the neighborhood housed a very aged woman for years. Steve and I would see her at the window, watching what she could of the world go by. She eventually died and a young couple bought it a few years ago. They renovated the kitchen, repaired the slate roof and added new copper gutters. They also cut down the three 100 year old pines that shaded the street because they didn't like them. When Steve was recovering from his first surgery and mis-prescribed drug intake, we would slowly walk down to the corner and sit under them, refreshed in the coolness of their shade, and listen to the breeze flow through their boughs.

Unfortunately, as I was told, the husband was caught cheating on his wife and she left him. He eventually moved and the house now sits abandoned, barren and in foreclosure, another victim of neglect.

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