Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Blog

I'm in a state of limbo awaiting my future. My license has not arrived. My house has not sold. I am waiting. This is not a good place to be. My only regret with Steve was that I spent too much time from him thinking of our future rather than concentrating on the present and being with him. He is no longer here and the future I envisioned has parted as well. A lesson learned, yet not fully and not completely. In order to stay this recurrent feeling of wanting to be anywhere else but here I have started another blog. This one silently documents the banality and richness of where I come from. Each post indicates a part of or complete street and the succession of buildings (or lack of) on the thoroughfare. Hopefully I won't finish this project before I leave, but if I do it will be a way for me to say goodbye to the minutia that has colored my life for the last 12 years.

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