Sunday, March 14, 2010


Contained in the only part of Scovill Manufacturing's factory plant is the Timex Museum, "Timexpo." Timex is a local business, the current corporate version of The Waterbury Clock Company and the various other clock companies it gobbled up in the last 100 years. I've not been in the museum and don't know anyone who has. Scovill is best known for its subsidiary, Hamilton Beach and its last CEO, Malcolm Bainbridge who became Secretary of Commerce in Reagan's cabinet. What is left of the plant you see before you. The remainder has been paved over and made into a mall and shopping center, both with many empty store fronts. I was told the then CEO of Timex was an avid admirer of Thor Hyerdal, thus the Easter Island replica in styrofoam and concrete. It abuts the interstate that runs over the city. To the west, across the interstate and on Abrigador Hill are the ruins of Holyland, USA, what was one of the largest pieces of outsider art in the country.

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